
Hearing Screening vs Hearing Test

We frequently see patients who have questions about hearing screenings. They want to know what  makes a hearing test different from a hearing screening. A screening is typically free of charge. An  evaluation most often comes with a cost.  A...

Dr. Gostomelsky doing a hearing evaulation for patient at Audiology Associates of Deerfield

How It Feels to Have a Hearing Loss

The experience of being home has certainly changed the way we live and the way we  communicate. Socializing is now done at a distance and is limited at best. Modern technology  has provided us with the ability to communicate virtually. This wonderful...

Woman with headache because of Tinnitus

It’s Music to My Ears

Now more than ever, it's important to focus on maintaining good health. Adding music to your  life is one way to lessen everyday worries. Did you know that playing an instrument, listening to  music, and singing can have positive health benefits?...

Individual playing on a guitar with microphone

Listening vs Hearing

We hear with our ears, but how we understand happens at the level of the brain. Research hasproven that hearing loss causes changes to the brain. And not in a good way. As an Audiologist,maintaining normal brain function is the most important reason to treat the...

Group of women talking and listening

Wax Removal. Can I Do It Myself?

Ear wax, otherwise known as cerumen, is naturally produced for three reasons. First is to lubricateĀ  the delicate tissue in the ear canal from drying out. Second is to protect from foreign bodies andĀ  infection. Lastly, wax protects your eardrum from outside...

Woman cleaning ear with cotton swab

Mental health and Hearing

We don't often consider the impact that hearing loss has on our mental health.There is research that explores how relationships and self-confidence can benegatively affected by hearing loss. Untreated hearing loss can result in anxiety and feelings of depression....

Illustration of profile of man and woman

Ready to take control of your hearing loss and find solutions designed around your life?

Let Audiology Associates of Deerfield help you put together a hearing care plan to maintain your hearing and stay engaged with your family, friends, and colleagues.